
___call_fn(fn, args)

The ___call_fn function enable C code to call any function implemented in Slogan. ___call_fn take two arguments - the Slogan function to call (fn) and its arguments. The arguments are passed as a single list. ___call_fn will return a ___slogan_obj which is the return value of the Slogan function.


The following C program use ___call_fn to invoke a Slogan function passed to it:

// call_fn_test.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "slogan.h"

___slogan_obj call_slogan_fn(___slogan_obj *args)
  int error = 0;
  ___slogan_obj result;
  ___slogan_obj f = args[0];
  ___ON_THROW(result = ___call_fn(f, ___pair(___fix(100), ___pair(___fix(200), ___NUL))), error = 1);
  if (error == 1)
      printf("Slogan function raised error\n");
      return ___FAL;
  return result;

This can be compiled to a shared library on Linux by,

$ gcc -Wall -shared -fPIC -I ${SLOGAN_HOME}/src/include/-I ${SLOGAN_HOME}/platform/gsc/include \
-o call_fn_test.so call_fn_test.c

and on OS X by,

$ gcc -dynamiclib -Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup -I ${SLOGAN_HOME}/src/include/ \
-I ${SLOGAN_HOME}/platform/gsc/include -o call_fn_test.so call_fn_test.c

After the shared library call_fn_test.so is generated, the function call_slogan_fn can be invoked from Slogan as shown below:

let clib = ffi_open("./call_fn_test.so")
let f = ffi_fn(clib, "call_slogan_fn")
ffi_call_obj(f, #[add])
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